Saturday, March 3, 2012

Bubba -- coping with glaucoma

Back in January I wrote a post about Bubba, our big mellow cat. We don't know how old he is exactly since we adopted him, but we noticed recently that he was having health problems. Well, after several vet visits and several hundred dollars later, we do have a confirmation on a few issues. The vet ophthalmologist we saw this week said he now has glaucoma. Originally in January when we visited our regular vet, his eye pressure was around 8, which was considered normal. This last week it was over 30 -- not good. The vet prescribed us Prednisolone Acetate - a sort of milky-white eye drop. I give it to him twice a day and it's a two-person job - one person has to double scruff him and put a blanket or towel over him to protect me from being clawed, while I try to get the drops in.  Not easy!

His blood panels also came back showing elevated globulin levels. While this could indicate a number of things (which can only be confirmed by more tests, which we opted out on) the vets feel that it's most likely cancer. He has lost weight -- down to about 12.5 pounds from about the 14-15 lb. range, but he doesn't seem to be in pain at this time. He's adjusted to his blind eye it seems and gets around fairly well.

Here's a picture of Bub's beautiful eyes before glaucoma set in:

And now . . . (it's not pretty - sorry)

1 comment:

  1. Glaucoma is very danger for eyes and many people don't know about this disease, so they should know about this disease and try to prevent by taking help of physician.

    Treatment of Glaucoma
