Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good Bye, sweet Bella

I know Spanky and I have been MIA for much of the last two months but I'm trying to get back in the grove again. As my regular readers know, Spanky's feline brother Bubba passed away two months ago. Spanky and Bubba were good buddies and got along well, so I think Spanky feels a bit of loneliness since Bub's passing. But then more sadness came Spanky's way when our neighbor's pug Bella passed away on June 6 at the age of 13. She was the epitome of a good pug -- friendly, snorty, non-aggressive, and just a sweet gal all around. She was our inspiration in getting a pug, as we fell in love with her when we moved to our current home five years ago. I wish and dream of having a pug as good-natured as she was. Don't get me wrong. We love Spanky dearly but Bella's personality was second to none. Spanky's a little psycho at times and tends to be skittish around strangers, a total opposite of Bella who greeted everyone like they were lifelong friends. She will be missed!
