Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

My one goal for 2012 was to start a blog. But about what?  Well, I live in Colorado, known for its great scenery. Sure, we do a lot of hiking and traveling, and I probably will include posts on our travel adventures at some point. However, there are a ton of great Colorado travel blogs already. So what else could I talk about? I know a couple fantastic food bloggers and  I've got a 20-something niece who blogs about her exciting single life. Just when I was about to give up, it became clear to me very quickly. My pug. Yup, anyone who knows me knows I'm a little bit nuts about my pug.

So why not? I decided to make a stab at it. My goal is to not only include useful information about pugs for potential and current owners, but to just have fun and give you a peak into our day to day life with this silly dog we call Spanky.

Today I'll keep my post short and sweet, with just a quick introduction to Spanky. He was born in the little itty-bitty town  of Burlington on the Colorado-Kansas border on August 4, 2008. He came into our lives about nine weeks later. My husband knew I had a thing for pugs. I had fallen in love with a pug down the street named Bella. Sweet as apple pie, good natured, and always made the cutest little grunts when I scratched her throat. I had to have one of these dogs!

Now I didn't really know a thing about pugs, let alone dogs. I'm a cat person. Got my first cat in my 20's and we've always had cats in our household since then. But things weren't the best in 2008 -- that's when the stock market was tanking and the housing market was crashing down. We needed something new in our life. And that new thing was Spanky.

Spanky as a little puppy - about 10 weeks old
So, in answer to the next question . . . how did you come up with the name Spanky? I have absolutely no idea. I was playing "Pet Pupz" on Facebook and named my virtual pug Spanky. The breeder in Burlington had two male pugs that we were looking at, Nick and Ned. We decided that we liked Nick, or rather, he decided he liked us. He actually came up and sat in my son Nicholas' lap. But we couldn't have two Nicks in our house. So I immediately christened him Spanky. And somehow the name fits him perfectly - cute, wrinkly, mischievous, and a little trouble maker. Welcome to Spanky's world!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I myself am a cat person in love with the pug breed. The only problem is I've never been around pugs. I don't know anyone who owns them either. Could you tell me some great things that made you choose your pug? I've never wanted to own a dog. They just aren't my thing and I am a total devotee of cats. However there is something wonderful about the pug that I just cant shake.
